Thursday, July 12, 2007


Last year, I didn't take my IPPT test due to elbow injury during a scoccer game. How to injure elbow in a soccer game? It a long story. My elbow was casted for a month and given nearly 2 month outpatient hospitalistion leave. It was a wonderful 2 months as I don't need to work and still get my salary. I went back to my unit to endose MC. I was told by my MO that i will be excused for last year IPPT and most likely down graded to Pes C. I was so joyful when the MO said this statement. During CNY, I received a letter from Mindef that i need to attend a military court due to "fail to take IPPT test during your required window time". I "lan lan" wore my No4 uniform to CMPB to receive the charge. I produced my memo from the hospital doctor to the officer-in -charge that it stated " this patient is advised to be excuse from chin up permanently". and told him the date when i went back to endose my MC. The officer told me that the Mindef record stated that i m still Pes A. He instructed me to chase after my unit to update my
Pes. status. Under this "screw up" situation, he waived off the $50 fine and instructed me to proceed to next counter to book my RT training. For the following few days, I kept calling my unit and Medical Centre to check on this matter. Finally, I received a letter from my unit that i was down graded to C1L2, excuse Chin-up permanently. However, I still need to attend the RT training. After a long day work and need to attend the training is very tired. I never "eat snake" on training. I told myself I must pass the test during Phase 1. Yesterday, i took the test and this is my result:
shuttle Run : 9.6 sec
Standing Board Jump : 239 cm
sit -up :37
2.4km : 11.41 min
chin-up : excuse.

Yes, I passed the test but no incentive. If a person is willing to put in effort during the 7 session RT training, he still can pass the test with a gd result. So don't think NSman is not fit, we can do better than the Regulars. Bcos, most of our time, we committed to our work, unlike Regulars, they have periodic schedule for physical training. For single like me, i don't have night mission training in the night, unlike married personel who have objective to meet in the middle of the night. Ha...ha..ha..